Monday, July 21, 2008

My very own Nascar Bashing - is it a stupid sport?

Nascar recieves tough love

Here's tough love for Nascar fans out there.

A lady by the name of Sadie Sexy was talking about Nascar the other day and how the rules have been changed to crack down on infractions, after here more than friendly post comes the reaction to Nascar.

Sadie Sexy-

Wow! I have never seen the powers at Nascar this tough on the rules and car inspections. I believe it is good that they are starting the year tough. I'm not sure I can understand why they levied strict penalties against the Everham cars and Kenseth's cars for not adhering to the rules concerning the cars aerodynamics, but did not levy any penalty point against Jeff Gordon in yesterday's 150 when his car did not pass the post race inspection. Having his car 1 inch lower to the ground is also an air situation and it seems he should have had similar point penalties and fines as the other drivers. All he got was being sent to position 42 for Sunday's race.

Your thoughts on this, Please!

Comments comes in as follows

Nana to Seven Cutiepies-

I'm more baffled by the infractions of last Sunday's race with the fuel. I don't exactly understand what they were thinking. The thing I really like about NASCAR is the "good Ole Boy" image, the way they are all a big happy family and how generations are represented in the sport, so when these infractions appear I am baffled. Are they really trying to pull one over on the others or is it an honest misunderstanding of the rules? I can't wait to discuss this with my son since he has a way of explaining it better so this old woman can understand.

He's a big fan only because I never missed a race while he was growning up and it just grew on him.

Sensational Sadie replies-

I guess some of you did not watch the Dual 150s. Jeff Gordon won the 2nd one, but his car did not meet post race inspection because it was too low to the ground by one inch, which is significant. This in my estimation gave him just as much advantage as the holes in the wheel wells of the Everham cars. One team was punished severely while Gordon's team had no points taken away, no fines and no suspensions. As for Michael Waltrip, he suffered VERY big penalties for what happened. He made a profound apology for his racing program, and he raced his way into the 500 on Sunday in a car that had not been on that track. I thought he showed a lot of class in his statement Thursday morning. I saw Jeff Gordon on Speed TV this morning and he was joking about the turn of events concerning his car.

Comes the basher Jimmie-

I keep biting my tongue, trying to avoid flying in the face of the apparant rampant race fan(aticism) here ...but, you keep posting stuff about NASCAR, so here goes. In my opinion, this is the stupidest of all human activites; and to call it a "sport" is ludicrous! It wastes huge amounts of the cars that race and all the cars that are driven to these hellacious events. I never cared for racing as it was, but when Dale Ernhardt was killed in a race, and I saw signs in many, many yards around our area lamenting the loss of an "American Hero" I was pushed over the edge. I no longer found racing ridiculous, I found it to be evil. How was a man who chose to drive a car dangerously fast and in a risky situation a "hero"? Sheesh. Just once I'd like to see people post signs mourning the loss of our true heros: the firefighters and policemen who die in the line of duty, and those in the military who put their lives on the line to guarantee our freedom to do stupid, and senseless stuff, like waste the fuel they are fighting so hard to help us have!! Can anyone, really, justify this?

Eyvonne added-

Makes you wonder doesn't it? As far as stupid activities goes...... what about golf??? A game only for the rich.... Nascar is a sport to help people get away from the reality of the daily grind. I could name many sports that are stupid. I think baseball, football,basketball are all kinda lame when you think about how much money these people make playing a game and crying about how they aren't paid enough. But, if you don't want to read an article about it, don't read it. There are those of us who like hearing about the nascar news items being posted because we don't get a chance to watch.

As far as people posting signs mourning the young men and women who are putting thier lives on the line for our country. This is done in many areas. But, people are starting to do this in a more private way due to the psycho's who are showing up at the funerals claiming they deserved to die because they were doing something evil. That is ludicrous!!

If you don't like the articles being posted you do have the FREEDOM of choosing not to read it.

Keep the articles coming Audrey. I for one like reading them because I don't get the chance to watch the races.

Larry -

James Harris. First of all, I would like to thank you for your opinion. I am grateful we live in a country that we can share our feelings and opinions and not persecuted for it. That freedom came with a price. You are correct that young men and women given their lives for that freedom. I don't think if we spent an entire lifetime we could thank them or their families for that sacrifice. With that said, I would imagine that maybe one or two of those brave men and women found something in Dale Sr. that they saw in themselves. Maybe, just maybe, as they were sitting with their families on Sunday afternoon watching all that fuel get wasted, they were inspired by a spirit that would not take NO for an answer. A spirit that that believed that second place is just the first loser. I doubt too many drivers have had an oppurtunity to save a life, but as long as the human spirit is given a chance to express itself there will be people who enjoy watching and dare to be excellent.

So what do you think about Nascar and how the American culture embraces adrenaline induced types of sports?

For Nascar Fans and Nascar Fanatics here are some good sites to go to.

Nascar Fans Wiki -

Nascar Pictures of amazing crashes -

Nascar Racing home of Nascar -

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